Peca on Comex Archivo Creativo 2024
Halo Exhibition: Sílice III Collection at Guadalajara's Art Week
Torre de Babel, a collaborative exhibition during México City’s Art Week
Presenting our new Ensamble Collection in Mexico City
Peca takes part of ¡A la mesa! exhibition
Opening: Galería Occidente
Peca in COS presentation in Mexico City
Peca in Design Week Mexico 2023
OMET launching during NYCxDesign
OMET opening event in Austin, TX
Our new designs showcased at Zona Maco 2023
Peca in Madrid, Spain with “Diseño en femenino”
Busca ser un acercamiento al diseño generado por cuatro generaciones de mujeres en México y propiciar una reflexión sobre los avances y logros alcanzados en una industria dominada por los hombres.
Peca as part of the exhibition “Diseño en femenino” in México City
Busca ser un acercamiento al diseño generado por cuatro generaciones de mujeres en México y propiciar una reflexión sobre los avances y logros alcanzados en una industria dominada por los hombres.
Peca at “Loot, Objetos Buscan Casa”
We are all ready for you to come check out the stylish and practical home items of Objetos buscan casa, the latest exhibition at LOOT Galería. Stop by tonight, grab a drink, and fall in love with the beauty of intentional design.
“Una modernidad hecha a mano”showcases Peca's designs
Peca at Difane’s Showroom
Congratulations to Fer Salamanca and Andrea Gadsden in this exciting project, Difane Showroom with pieces by such talented designers: Taller Nacional, And Jacob,, Raul de la cerda, Coleccion Studio, Rrres, Bestia and Adhocmx .
Featured at Material/Memory/Myth Presented by Jeff Lincoln Art +Design + Nicole Timonier
We are honored to be included in the art show Material/Memory/Myth, presented by Jeff Lincoln Art +design + Nicole Timonier. Our LOTO ROCA volcanic stone monolith will be present in this wonderful mix of LA and West Coast-based artists and designers experimenting with ancient materials such as ceramic, wood, glass, fiber and giving it a modern twist.
Peca’s pieces at Salon Cosa in Guadalajara
We would like to thank Mario Balle and Daniela Elbahara for inviting us to this 2nd installment of Salón Cosa. Thanks to all of you who were there for the exhibit.
Find us at Design Week Mexico 2021
We are delighted to be part of Design Week Mexico City 2021!
Sílice is part of ADORNO: “The material language: connecting through forms, colors & textures”
The Material Language: connecting through forms, colors & textures. A Mexican collection curated by Pilar Obeso — Ana Elena Mallet.